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Man Walking in Fields

Akashic Mastery
Shadow Dream Weaving
Course Documents & Information

Delve into the profound dance between Light and Dark, confront hidden aspects, and transcend traditional 'shadow work' with ancient wisdom, unlocking a more fulfilling life where dreams become reality.

Here is a 10 minute snippet of a  zoom Level One training call where I am talking about  the  reasons  behind creating these workshops. It starts as I am talking about the  teachings of the Elders of the Sierra Nevada Mountains in Columbia - the Kogi, Arhuaco, Wiwa and Kankuamo, (whom I am visiting in December this year). 
● Recommended preparation for Level 2 Akashic training, leading to certification as an Akashic Practitioner.
● Unveils and provides tools to manage the unconscious shadow side, removing stumbling blocks.
● Empowers you to step into a more powerful flow and order your shadow side for a purified channel thus strengthening your ability to support and assist others, preparing you for Akashic Practitioner responsibilities in a very effective and thorough way.
● Delve into the profound dance between Light and Dark for a deeper understanding of yourself and the Universe.
● Confront hidden aspects and transform issues, breaking down accepted patterns and roadblocks in your life's path.
● Satisfy your appetite for personal transformation and step into a more fulfilling life where dreams become reality.
● The Akashic approach transcends traditional 'shadow work,' and draws from the ancient wisdom of Arawak, Kogi, Arhuaco, Wiwa, and Kankuamo.
● This is a practical course for Akashic Earth Graduates giving you skills to expand the Joy in your life in ways you never believed possible.
● We explore Ordering the Shadow, Meeting the Creator/Weaver, and mastering the art of Dreaming correctly.
● I will be facilitating for the group a powerful transformative clearing and activation within the Universal Time Matrix in Creation thus bringing your clearings into alignment with the power of Unity Consciousness.
● Align with Universal changes in 2024, the year of the Dragon, a year of Abundance and Expansion. What you do now will expand 5 fold between the two Equinoxes in March and September.



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